
~日々感じたことを 継続は力なり~



February 2 It was fain today. I did muscle training today. I was happy to spend a day with girlfriend. I'll read tomorrow.


January 29 wednesday It was rainy today. I want to be productive every day. What do I really want to do. I have no trouble.


January 28 thuesday It was windy today. I had pasta today for lunch. After that,I did muscle training at the gym. After returning home,I taked with my father about the future,but it was difficult to come to a conclusion.


January 27 monday It was finetoday. I went to the hospital. I haven't run out of trouble recently. Too much to think.


January 26 Sunday It was finetoday. Today I went to the gymnasium for muscle training and then went to a hot spring. I had a hot pot for dinner. It was very delicious.


January 25 Saturday It was fain today. I went to my grandmother's alter to give incense. Then go home,I ate a deep-fried horse mackerel made by my mother for dinner. It was so delicious.


January 24 friday It was cloudy today. I got up early in the morning and called girlfriend. I wanted to sleep but got up properly. I want to praise myself.


January 23 thursday It was rainy today. Today I did muscle tyaining at the gym. I want to build more muscle. Let's do our best all day tomorrow.


January 21 thuesday It was fain today. Warm days continue despite winter. I'm going to wash my hands and gargle everyday because coronavirus is prevalent in China. Watch out for colds and coronavirus.


January 17 friday It was fain today. Today I went to see my father teaching mathematics and saw his way of life. He was as calm and serious as usual. Seeing my father's work will be a lifetime treasure.


January 16 thursday It was cloudy today. Today I bought a book on Amazon. I'll read this book tomorrow. It will be finished soon because it is a book of about 100 pages.


January 15 It was cloudy today. Today I went to the NIigata city art museum with my family. We saw Andrew Wyeth's works. "The Story of the Olson House" is somewhat sad but it was a wonderful work.


January 14 It was rainy today. Today I washed dishes and pots at my girlfriend's house. She was very pleased. I did it!!


January 11 It was fain today. I ate yakiniku with my friend. I talked a lot about work. I felt my friends were important.


January 9 It was fain today. I went to find a job today. There are many jobs in the world. What is the right job for me.


January 4 It was fain today. I went to a company briefing. It's been such a long day, and I'm worm out. I can do it !


January 3 It was cloudy today. I went to Lake Hyo and took picture of swan. Swans were so cute. I want to post a swan photo on my blog.


January 2 It was cloudy today. I did running about 10kilometers. Lately my stomach has been sticking out. So I think that I have to run harder.


January 1 It was snowy today. It was New year's Day. We had a special New year's meal. I feel full and contented.


December 31 It was cloudy today. Today was New Year's Eve. I did year-end housecleaning. Now I'm able to start the new year afresh.


December 30 It was cloudy. I slept until noon. I trid a curry today. It tasted very good.


December 29 It was sunny. Today I watched a comedy show on TV. I enjoyd it a lot. I hope I can get up that early tomorrow.


December 28 It was sunny today. I went to a concert and enjoyed the music. It was a memorable day. We have three days until New Year's Eve.


December 27 It was sonw Today was windy. I went to the gym. I did stoic stringth training.


It was cloudy followed by rain. I took a hot spring bath. I felt physically and mentally refreshed.


Today was Christmas Eve. I played with My dog. My dog's name is Hanako.


Today was sunny. We had fine today. We had a very good time.